Saturday, December 26, 2009

Worried Sick - 12/26/09

Welcome back my dearest blog readers ;)

So today is Saturday. And I decided that Saturdays and Sundays are going to be total rant days. So this may or may not make sense. Just know that on these days there will probably be around 3 topics covered in this section, but Im just doing 1 for today (:

I hate, hate, HATE it when you lose someone close to you. For stupid reasons! Friendships especially. Its can be the two closest people on Earth and then one thing pulls you apart. Like boyfriends/girlfriends. At first you're like "Oh, this is great! They found someone for them!" And that feeling lasts for the first week or so. And then the boyfriend/girlfriend comes in and starts to hang around them when you guys are talking. They put their arm around them and just see the change. They get giddy, they get distracted, they get forgetful. And you know this won't be the last time this happens. Then maybe you guys have the kind of relationship where you can joke around and stuff. Yeah, thats not gonna happen anymore. They get defensive and they call you rude. Then they start saying stuff about you to seem cool. Then you just kinda...get lower on their priorities. They try to fit in with the group of friends their significant other is in. And it works, and suddenly its not just you that they've ditched, its ALL of their old friends!

Fast forward about 3 months. Now they're calling you on the phone, sobbing and rambling. All you understand is that they've been pushed to do stuff they didn't want to, they fought, and then it was all good. Then they got cheated on for someone that would put out. And they're crushed and blaming themselves. And the friendship is suddenly worth something, and they assume you'll be there. And as much as you want to help them, you also want to point out every thing they screwed up. But you're not going to rub salt in the wounds, and you help them out in their time of need.

Fast forward another 1 more month. They've found someone new. Someone from your old band of friends. The boy-next-door/girl-next-door. They were best friends and you think that it'll really work. And you know you wont have to go through all that again. But you still hurt from the last time. Things aren't the same. They might not see the damage they did, but you felt the damage. You were the one who was damaged. And you can't forget, and you don't know what to do. And it SUCKS.


More ranting tomorrow ;)

Life Updates -

I've mananged to take the term "worried sick" to a whole new level. A literal level. I am seriously getting so worried about things, I'm getting sick. Shaking, headaches, throwing up. Then I cry or something and it all gets worse. A few hours later, Im left a huddled mess with a soaked pillow, shaking, a sore throat, and a major headache. And it piles up. Now I can't sleep. I was up until 5:30 this morning. I slept until 1:30 this afternoon. I can't keep this up. If this was a school day, I would've just had to be up all night and gotten ready and gone to school. I have NO clue what I'm going to do if this keeps up. I have until January 5th to deal with it...

Reading Corner!

Fall On Your Knees is keeping my attention quite well. I read it bit by bit though. Its one of those books that I have to read a little, process, and then I like to predict whats gonna happen next. Now the oldest daughter, the one that the mother couldn't bring herself to love, is kind to her sisters and cares for them and enjoys their company. Her name is Kathleen and she seems to be odd. She has a beautiful singing voice, shes gorgeous, but...she doesn't get along with the girls. She likes to play with the guys and get herself dirty and be a tomboy. And she talks to her dad as if they're best friends. Shes approaching her teen years and shes getting that teenage attitude. Hmm...interesting.

In My World of Make Believe:

Bullying. Physical OR Verbal, it hurts. And its stupid. What good is going to come out of bullying someone? A boost in your self esteem? Maybe you should go paint a pretty picture and give it to your mom to put on the fridge. Do something to boost your self esteem that you'll be proud of later in life. It happens all the time, and in one way or another, I believe EVERYONE would have bullied someone at least once if nothing more. And its getting our generation nowhere. But in my world of Make Believe nobody bullies anyone else. They are kind and settle any differences kindly and without a mean word. They talk as equals and its not one person trying to have power over the other. They encourage each other instead of putting them down. They give compliments instead of insults. They boost their self esteems by being KIND not rude. Its a great thing.

Tomorrow I'll talk about the setting of my Make Believe!

Today's gonna be a nature photograph! I love this picture (:


-Yours Truly,

P.S. - Keep sending in song requests!

P.P.S. - Comment if you've ever been through what I talked about in the first section, and tell us your story if you wish! (IF YOU USE NAMES, USE FAKE NAMES PLEASE!)

P.P.P.S. - Comments are nice!

P.P.P.P.S. - Suggest this blog to other people to read!